Sunday, February 1, 2009

Star Party Success!

We had a GREAT turnout to the IYA Kick Off Event last night! I would guess around 200 people showed up!

Here was the collaborations:

PAS: They opened up the observatory and were showing people awesome celestial objects through their telescopes ( Orion Nebula, clusters, Venus, Moon).

WSU Physics Dept/ Physics and Astronomy Club: Provided drinks, table, hot water heaters, baked goods, couple of astronomy schtuffs.

IYA (me): Provided cupcakes, free astronomy stuff, slide show, movie, music

We placed advertisements at:


Webster Physical Sciences Building (4 posters)

The CUB (10 posters)

Daily Grind downtown
Cafe Moro downtown
Movie Theater
Outside of Observatory

And I sent out a WSU Announcement for the Event, Astronomy teachers were giving out extra credit for the event.

One World Cafe
a few other places
Uof I campus